Trimble County Schools is a fully accredited district through Advanc-Ed.  Our goal is to provide an intellectually, challenging and developmentally appropriate educational program for each individual child. Through utilizing combined efforts and resources, our district continues to achieve our goal of increasing learning for all students. We truly recognize and accept the responsibility to ensure all students receive a quality education. Decisions are based on doing what is best for students through the process of involving all stakeholders. Our school system works diligently to create a safe, supportive and nurturing environment that honors the worth, uniqueness and value of each individual student. 

     Currently students in grades 5-12 participate in a personalized learning model, of which competency based learning is the foundation.  The four core competencies of ELA, math, science, and social studies are embedded with cognitive skills (interdisciplinary competencies-how we use what we know), habits of success (soft skills), and sense of purpose (long term goal setting).  Student achievement is monitored through mastery of focus areas that are content specific and performance based projects within each unit of study.  Students are provided feedback based on a rubric that includes 36 skills spiraled across grade levels.  

     We have also developed a strategic plan, work ethic certification, and graduate profile that outlines new outcomes for the Trimble County Diploma, thereby transforming learning opportunities for students.  Students who earn a TC diploma will: think critically to problem solve, be resilient and persevere through challenges,  innovate to create, have motivation to take initiative, be effective communicators and collaborators, exhibit leadership to empower change, and excel in service oriented citizenship.  Students will defend their mastery of these competencies in a variety of ways at grades 3, 6, 8, and 12.

     Trimble County Schools currently has an enrollment of approximately 1175 students. We have one Jr/Sr high school that includes grades 7-12 and two elementary schools that serve Preschool – 6th Grade. Our high school students are also provided with the opportunity to attend Carroll County Area Technology Center, dual through JCTC, and ILEAD Academy. In addition to the core curriculum, we offer other educational and support opportunities such as Special Education, Extended School Services, Gifted/Talented, ESL, FRYSC, Title I, Speech, Migrant, Guidance Programs and Homebound Services. We are fortunate to have a faculty/staff that provides high quality programs for students. We greatly appreciate our parents and guardians who value education and support learning at home. Our community support provides tremendous opportunities for our schools.

Strategic Plan 17-20

Graduate Profile