Happy Tuesday MES Families,
As we ease back into our full time school schedule, I know many of you are feeling the stress of re-acclimating your child to back-to-school mode. 🚍🏫 Please know that teachers are here to support you in this process and are available to provide tips for building stamina especially with our primary age students. Our recommendations include:
- Start with a quiet, designated space for learning 🤫
- Determine scheduled intervals for learning with breaks built in ⏱ , especially for students in grades K-3. (a kindergarten student should start out with 10-15 minutes learning time)
- Don't try to do everything in one day-this will be overwhelming for both you and your child
- Provide opportunities for positive reinforcement to help celebrate goals met 🎉
- Communication- please let us know how your child is is progressing each week. 📞📲
Here is a good resource article that will provide you with some additional ideas to think about. https://www.usatoday.com/in-de...
Although we are not currently face-to-face, we are still required to report participation for all students through the virtual period. Please note that students will need to complete the assigned weekly work to receive credit for participation. This is inclusive of daily work and projects and attending Google Meets (if assigned). Know that we are understanding if you are only able to access the internet on specific days. As long as the work is turned in prior to the next week, your student will receive participation credit. Once we return to in-person instruction, those that choose to continue with virtual learning after the first grading period will continue in this manner while face-to-face students will earn participation for in class work. Teachers will report this data weekly. I will be following up with families the following Monday for the previous week for students that are not completing assignments to see how we can support you and your student.
I hope that this helps! Please let us know how we can help!
Mrs. Shinn & the MES Team 🙌