Our 2023 graduation ceremony will take place Saturday, May 27 at 10:00 am. For those unable to attend, we will be live-streaming the event. We hope this allows everyone that wants to be a part of our graduates big day to participate in some form.
Parents and students, as we approach the end of the school year many events will be coming up within the next week. As a school, we wanted to reach out and notify families in advance to ensure you have time to plan accordingly. May 23rd there will be a senior cap and gown ceremony at 2:30 in the afternoon. Senior parents are invited to attend. Also, on May 23rd, Senior awards recognition will occur at 6:00 pm. All family and community members are welcome. On May 24th, grades 7th and 8th awards will take place at 9:30 am in the gym. On May 25th grades 9,10, and 11 will have there awards program at 9:30 am. For all programs occurring during school hours, parents are welcome to attend and will need to enter through the front lobby area. Please contact Whitney Farmer or Andrea Howerton if you have any further questions.
Just a reminder: Kentucky State Assessment begins tomorrow! Students in grades 7 test M-W; Students in grade 8 test M-TH; Students in grade 10 test M-T and students in grade 11 test W-F. When not testing (this includes the entire week for students in grades 9 and 12) , students in danger of failing will receive additional assistance. Students that are currently passing their core subjects will be working to complete their ILPs. Please make sure your student arrives on time and is at school every day this week. Encourage him/her to get a good night's rest and eat breakfast each morning. We want every student to have the opportunity to perform at his/her best! Thank you for supporting your child and our school!
Kentucky State Assessment for grades 7, 8, 10 and 11 will be May 8th-12th. Students will be testing in the mornings so it is very important to have them at school on time and their Chromebook charged. Students in grade 7 will test Monday-Wednesday. Students in grade 8 will test Monday-Thursday. Students in grade 10 will test Monday-Tuesday. Students in grade 11 will test Wednesday-Friday. Please help these students do their best by encouraging them to get a good nights rest and eating breakfast. They may bring a sealed or refillable bottle of water. Phones and smart watches are prohibited during testing. Thank you for your support and encouragement.
Trimble County Jr/Sr High is hosting a spring Blood Drive this Friday at the Trimble County Board Office. Please sign up at Redcrossblood.org or contact Ms. Brown at angela.brown@trimble.kyschools.us Blood Drive is from 9:00am to 2:00pm.
JR/SR High SBDM parent elections are tomorrow (Thursday, April 27). All JR/SR High parents are encouraged to stop by the school's front office from 9-5 to vote. You may also vote by sending an email to Shawna Jent at: shawna.jent@trimble.kyschools.us . If you choose to vote via email, please vote for 2 of the following nominees: Jodi Ginn, Amy Liter, Haley Turner.
JR/SR High SBDM parent nominations are being accepted for the 2023-2024 school year. Nomination forms may be picked up in the front office and should be returned to Shawna Jent no later than April 24. The election will be held from 8-5 on April 27. All parents are encouraged to stop by the front office to vote. Election results will be posted by 8 pm on April 27. Please contact Shawna Jent at 502-255-5110 x 2014 or shawna.jent@trimble.kyschools.us with any questions.
Attention Parents and Students! Ivy Tech has expanded their free class on us to an unlimited amount. Students currently in 8th through 12th grade will be able to apply and take multiple free courses over the summer. It is advised to take 3 or less at a time, as the workload is compressed into an 8 week period. Courses are offered both online and in person. Anyone interested can see Mrs. Farmer, Mrs. Howerton, or follow the attached flyer QR code directions.
Good Morning Seniors and Senior Parents! I wanted to send out a reminder today that local scholarships packets are due back in my office (Mrs. Farmer) by the end of the day tomorrow. There are still paper copies in the front office along with a digital copy available on google classroom, should you still need to obtain a copy. I encourage any senior contemplating pursuing secondary education endeavors to apply! Have a wonderful day and Go Raiders!
Good Afternoon Senior Parents. I wanted to reach out today to let you know that local scholarship packets have been distributed to students. Please make it a point to look over this with your child. We have a wonderful community that supports our youth with numerous scholarship opportunities and we need to make sure we take full advantage of all the support they are offering. If your child did not get one, copies are in the office for pick-up. I will also be posting them in the Trimble Triple E google classroom. Packets are due back on April 14th. If you have any questions do not hesitate to reach out to me at 502-255-5100 ext. 2004 or by email at whitney.farmer@trimble.kyschools.us. Have a wonderful day and Go Raiders!
Don't forget to join us this evening for our 2024 scheduling parent information night. We will meet in the cafeteria at 6:00 pm for an overview of graduation requirements, post-secondary readiness, dual credit, AP, CTE pathways and 2024 course information. Representatives from AP. Ivy Tech and JCTC will be on hand to discuss their programs, including Future 42. We look forward to seeing you this evening!
Just a reminder: Trimble JR/SR High will host a Title I parent night to discuss 2023-2024 student schedules. Parents with students in grades 8-11 (current grade levels) are invited to join us Wednesday, March 22 at 6:00 pm. We will discuss credits needed to graduate, post-secondary readiness, dual credit, CTE pathways, 2024 course options and much more. Representatives from JCTC and Ivy Tech will also be on hand to answer questions about dual credit, pathway options and Future 42. We encourage you to bring your student with you. Scheduling will begin soon and your input will help your child determine his/her best high school path and course options for the 2023-2024 school year!
Good Morning Parents. If your child is attending the incentive trip for either the junior high or high school, you will need to fill out a waiver form. We have paper copies in the office, but the simplest way to complete this is to follow the link below and submit it. Once you do this they will have an electronic copy on file at Defy. Thanks for all your help and let me know if you have any questions or need assistance. Link: https://defy.com/defy-louisville/
The JR/SR High March 15 SBDM meeting has been canceled. The next SBDM meeting will be Wednesday, April 19 at 4:00. Thank you!
Trimble JR/SR High will host a Title I parent night to discuss 2023-2024 student schedules. Parents with students in grades 8-11 (current grade levels) are invited to join us Wednesday, March 22 at 6:00 pm. We will discuss credits needed to graduate, post-secondary readiness, dual credit, CTE pathways, 2024 course options and much more. Representatives from JCTC and Ivy Tech will also be on hand to answer questions about dual credit, pathway options and Future 42. We encourage you to bring your student with you. Scheduling will begin soon and your input will help your child determine his/her best high school path and course options for the 2023-2024 school year!
One more scholarship opportunity for today. This would be for any students interested in attending Ivy Tech in Madison. Deadline is April 14th. The application can be found using this link: The application can be found using this link: https://forms.gle/3eBLvTDETtrbXetU7
Good Morning Senior Parents! Here is another upcoming scholarship opportunity.
Juniors: ACT is tomorrow! Please come prepared with your Chromebook charged and ready, get a good nights sleep and eat breakfast. You may bring a sealed bottle of water and a snack for the break. You may bring a calculator that is ACT approved. Cell phones must be completely turned off and may be left in your locker or backpack along with any smart watches or any other electronic device. You can not access any of these devices once you are in your testing rooms and until all testing is complete, even during the break. Please be at school by 8:00 am. You will report to your testing room, not first period. Best of luck and see you tomorrow!
Good Morning Senior Parents! I wanted to reach out this morning and let you know that we met with seniors yesterday during school and discussed many upcoming deadlines for them in regards to post-secondary education. Topics of discussion included: local scholarship packets will be coming out next week and will be due the week we return from spring break, it is important to develop a brag sheet (honors, activities, etc.) to accompany their scholarship applications, letters of recommendations will be required for some of the applications (ask in advance), students should be narrowing their decision down to their school of choice (many have a deadline of commitment of May 1st) and looking for individual scholarship opportunities provided by the school beyond the general scholarship fund, FAFSA must be completed, students must have at least 4 credits in both English and Math (most students must pass both courses this year to graduate), students need to compile a list of scholarships already received for both the scholarship application and senior awards night, once students have committed to a school please make sure they are completing their housing requests as they will fill up, and also please encourage your child to check their email and the triple e google classroom page daily as we enter March! I know this is a lot, but I wanted to keep parents updated!
Parents of Students taking Dual Credit courses: Today is the last day to set your Dual Credit scholarship preference with KHEAA. You get up to two courses paid for in one school calendar year. Some reminders: you must pass the course to get the course paid for, if you fail the course you will pay for the course, you cannot use Dual Credit scholarship to pay to take a course that you failed, text books/fees are not covered by the scholarship. If you have questions, you may contact KHEAA at (800) 928-8926 or email at studentaid@kheaa.com