Students, KONA ICE is coming tomorrow from 1:30-3:00. Prices start at $3.00 up to $6.00. There will also be other snacks and drinks available for $1.00. It will be a hot day for the Powder Puff games! Come enjoy an afternoon of fun.
Reminder to parents: Don't forget to join us for our JR/SR High PTO/Annual Title I meeting tonight. We will meet in the school library at 6:00 pm. We hope to see you there!
Join us Monday, September 19 for our PTO and annual Title I meeting. We will be in the JR/SR High Library at 6:00 pm. We would love to see you there!
I just want to take a moment and say "Thank You" for sending us such a wonderful group of young people. We have had a fantastic start to the 2023 school year! I'm sure there will be a few bumps in the road ahead, but we truly have a GREAT student body. I am so proud of and grateful for the amazing young men and women of Trimble County JR/SR High!
Kerrie Stewart
Parents of Juniors and Seniors:
Representatives of our various military branches will soon be requesting the names and contact information of our junior and senior students. If you do NOT want your student's information shared, please contact Ms. Farmer no later than 4 pm Monday, August 22. Thank you!
Just a reminder to pay your child’s Chromebook/course fees. A deposit may be applied in lieu of the full amount and payments can be made throughout the year. Those who qualify for free or reduced lunch will have fees waived or reduced. Please complete the income verification form to see if you qualify.
All students will be given a Chromebook regardless of payment status. However, a deposit will be required of those who do not qualify for the waiver prior to students taking their Chromebook home from school.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call the school at 255-7781.
Thank you!
Don't forget to attend the Trimble JR/SR High Back-to-School night, TONIGHT! Our building will be open from 5-7. If you've already picked up your schedule, be sure to bring it with you. Those who have not picked up their schedules will be able to pick them up tonight prior to visiting with teachers. We look forward to seeing you as we prepare for the 2023 school year!
Just a reminder that students taking a JCTC dual credit course (MAT 150, STA 220, PSY 110, ENG 161 or REL 101) this school year, must attend orientation tonight. Orientation will be in the JR/SR High library at 5:00 pm. We look forward to seeing you! Thanks.
Students taking any JCTC dual credit course (MAT 150, STA 220, PSY 110, ENG 161 or REL 101) will have a required orientation on Thursday, August 11 at 5:00 pm. Orientation will be held in the JR/SR High library. If you use a personal device, please bring it to the orientation. Chromebooks will be available for those who use a school device. You MUST attend orientation in order to remain enrolled in a course. If you have not completed the JCTC admissions application, please do so prior to orientation. Contact Ms. Stewart at 502-255-5100 x 2003 or if you need instructions on how to complete the application process. Thank you!
JR/SR High student schedules will be available for pick-up Tuesday, August 9 and Wednesday, August 10 from 10 am-6pm. Stop by the front lobby at your convenience to pick up your schedule for the 2022-2023 school year. Chromebook and course fees may also be paid at this time.
We invite you to join us on Thursday, August 11 for our Back-to-School Open House. Bring your schedule and meet your teachers from 5-7 pm. We look forward to seeing you as we begin the new school year!
Any student planning to take the ACT on September 10th, today is the last do to register. Below is a list of 2022-2023 National test dates. Reminder that any senior who wants to take the test for free in October need to contact Ms. Howerton at
National ACT Test Dates:
September 10th, 2022
October 22nd, 2022
December 10th, 2022
February 11th, 2023
April 15th, 2023
June 10th, 2023
July 15th, 2023
Seniors: TCJSH is offering all seniors the ability to take the ACT for FREE in October! If you would like to take advantage of this FREE opportunity, please contact Ms. Howerton at . The test will be given at TCJSH. More information coming soon.
Update to the 8th grade supply list: “Some Glow Brightly” by John Palmer Gregg does NOT need to be purchased. We apologize for any inconvenience. Thanks!
Trimble County JR/SR High Supply List
7th grade supply list:
colored pencils, markers, or crayons
48 pencils
2 composition notebooks
2 1-Subject notebooks
2 folders
2 packs of loose-leaf notebook paper
3 boxes of Kleenex/tissues
2 rolls of paper towels
2 canisters bleach wipes
8th Grade Supply List:
Scientific Calculator
EARBUDS (these will be used in all classes)
4 - Composition Notebook (non-spiral)
Folder (science)
1 - 1 inch 3 ring binder
Loose Leaf Notebook paper
Colored Pencils
Poster Board
Popsicle Sticks (both history and science)
Hot Glue Gun and hot glue sticks (before October Science Project)
“Christmas Carol” (own copy for annotating)
“Some Glow Brightly” by John Palmer Gregg (own copy for annotating)
Pack of Index cards (3x5)
3 boxes of tissues
For Art: Grades 7 and 8
Notebook (composition or 1-subject spiral)
Black Ballpoint Pen
1 box tissues
2 - Glue Sticks
High School Students:
Pencils, Pens, Spiral Notebooks
Course specific items will be noted on course syllabus
Reminder that football practice will begin tonight at TCJRSR High School at 6:00 pm for both middle and high school teams.
This message is for any Trimble Co. Jr/Sr High student with incomplete credit recovery and/or summer school courses remaining on Edgenuity. Course finals must be scheduled by August 1st. Please contact Ms. Poe by email at, or by phone at 502-663-0109 should you have any questions or would like to schedule your exams.
A second CHEER tryout will be held for upcoming 6th-8th graders. Tryouts will be Tuesday, July 12 at 5:30 pm in the Milton Elementary School gymnasium. For more information or tryout materials, please contact Terralynn Marsh at or via Facebook.
SBDM Special Meeting: The JR/SR High School SBDM will meet June 15, 2022 at 3:30 pm. This is our regularly scheduled meeting time. Due to construction, the meeting has been moved to the Trimble County Board of Education building.
Congratulations 2022 Graduates!!!
We here at TCJSHS are proud of your accomplishment. Don’t stop there…
Any senior that intends to attend a college or university in the fall needs to request a final transcript. You can do this by going to the Trimble County High Schools webpage and clicking on the menu. Scroll down to Academics and click on “Parchment eTranscripts”. You will need to create an account and submit an order. Select the school you want the transcript sent to and you are ready to go. You have until July 31st to have your transcript sent for free. After that date there is a charge. You may also click on the link below.
Trimble County Students:
If you are 16 years or older and interested in becoming a nurse some options for some of your recent graduates or students who may be interested in attending classes to become a CNA.
Bedford Springs has several CNA openings currently with our shifts being 7AM to 7PM and 7PM to 7AM. For new hire CNA's who have their license, we are offering a $3,000 sign on bonus payable in 3 installments with the first installment paid out after 90 days. They must be full-time and agree to employment for 1 year. Please follow this link for more information.